quinta-feira, junho 23, 2005


À falta de palavras minhas para exprimir o que me vai na alma (sim, ainda por cá anda...), socorro-me desse grande homem, cuja Musa é toda-poderosa: Neil Hannon, pois então...
A saber:
"Sometimes at night the darkness and silence weighs on me. Peace frightens me. Perhaps I fear it most of all. I feel it's only a façade, hiding the face of hell. I think of what's in store for my children tomorrow; "The world will be wonderful", they say; but from whose viewpoint? We need to live in a state of suspended animation, like a work of art; in a state of enchantment... detached. Detached."

The Certainty of Chance
The Divine Comedy
Fin de Siècle

I rest my case...


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